We have tailor-made databases, apps or portals for the following companies. For each company also a short description of the operation.
- Ceva Logistics, logistics supplier, call registration for making appointments for delivery of KPN mobile phones, including checks to prevent fraud. Also web portal for drivers to register in advance. Notification of selection of clients by email/SMS/Whatsapp of a disturbance in the delivery
- ENECO The Hague, energy company, billing consumption and saving options for homes
- Kemwater, chemical industry, quotation system taking into account all specific product characteristics
- Kees in ‘t Veen, transporter, quotation system including modules for charging rates for transport within Europe, taking into account the toll
- Eneco Rotterdam, energy company, registration and progress with housing associations in the context of a conversion project
- Dubo Techniek, energy company, reading and processing meter readings, including energy reports and signals. Also app for residents and project managers
- Sierrade, dog grooming salon, registration of appointments, owners and the dogs, including receipts, financial reports
- Senzer, reintegration company, progress trajectories and trajectory steps of the clients
- MTRC special plating, metal finishing company, production production in the production hall via link with production database
- Welzijn Vianen, registration and planning bus rides
- Hera Global Forwarding, forwarder, total administration system for the transports, including links to the portal for the clients.
- Supplier of Attention, total order administration including stock management
- Dialoog Huys, database for event organization, including sending the invitations. Supported by an app where attendees can see their own events and connect with other event attendees